"The Plazas of New Mexico," video of lecture, Chris Wilson and Miguel Gandert, School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe, April 9, 2013. Daniel D. Arreola. Review of The Plazas of New Mexico. Buildings and Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum, Volume 19, Number 2, Fall 2012, 97-98. Santa Fe Radio Café, KSFR, October 13, 2011 Interview with Miguel Gandert and Chris Wilson by Mary-Charlotte Domandi. GRIDS Blog: speculations on urbanism and the built environment Interview with Stefanos Polyzoides, "A Varied and Rich Tradition New Mexico’s Plazas Reveal Much About its History and Cultures," by Kathaleen Roberts, Journal Santa Fe, October, 9, 2011. "In Plazas, Form Defines Function, and Vice Versa" Albuquerque Journal, October 9, 2011